Thursday, February 14, 2013

Syrian Tragedy Video

Syrian Tragedy Video

Published on Feb 6, 2013

The amazing horror of a needless war that few are doing anything to help. The worst part is that what help is going to Syrians is received by those who would turn it into yet a different totalitarian regime that is Islamist. Al Qaeda and Al Nusra rise while secularists fight the battle and plan for a peaceful future.  Help us at Stand Up America US and our alliance with the FSA in Syria to help through the SOLG.

Al Qaeda is an American CIA creation, recruiting, training and equipping mercenaries to carry out the plans of the world elitists.  It is your tax dollars, Americans, that are funding the slaughter of the innocents. This will continue until Americans remove the private corporation posing as your 'government' from power and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. 

What you will see in this video is coming to America VERY SOON unless all Americans unite together NOW and remove the unlawful 'government' and all the traitors associated with it from their power positions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is SOLG?