Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Ten Region World Order is Now Rising. Are these the 10 Heads mentioned in Revelations??

The Ten Region World Order is Now Rising. Are these the 10 Heads mentioned in Revelations??
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 1-Mar-2013 16:08:53
int of convergence ahead in the timelines of the new federal capitol, and the roll-out of the region, one asks the question, is this to be the new capitol of the region? Is that why they are tunneling into the Rockies so as to make them impregnable to pissed off and well armed nationalists ?
The regions northern half, Canada is likewise seeing the a similar onslaught much of it traceable to Agenda 21. Having been already disarmed, they are in no position to rise up in a way that their armed southern neighbors can. Treaties for region-1 security and cooperation are already in effect between Canadian and U.S. Military and law enforcement. A now “missing” Google map which showed U.S. built FEMA camps revealed these camps existed in both America and Canada. Here is a screenshot capture made prior to the pages closing. Those who are viewing it for the first time will see what extent your U.S. guardian angels have gone to keep you safe and secure. Yes, yes its all about your safety.
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From a Long Time Reader!
The Ten Region World Order is Now Rising. Are these the 10 Heads mentioned in the Bible?
Here is something that links together a great number of seemingly unrelated issues, and confusion in the news. When this map got my attention, it was featured in Gary Kahs book Enroute to Global Occupation (released 1992). The book chronicled Kahs insider discovery of plans by globalist powers to carve the world into ten economic, and political administrative regions. I encountered the book in 1993, and at the time there was nothing to distinguish it from all of the other unproven speculation of the day, much of which centered around the first years of the Clinton administration.
What you see as region 7, was at that time a patchwork of independent dictatorial powers with ideas and plans of their own. Iraq, Syria and Libya and Iran were protected with powerful military and communist bloc alliances. The possibility that these would or could be domesticated under unified regional control were not immediately believable, provable, and seemed far off into the future.

It is now 2013, twenty years later. The first and second Gulf wars have destroyed Iraq and its leader Saddam Hussein. The Mubarak government of Egypt was recently overthrown and is now coming reluctantly under Muslim Brotherhood led Sharia rule that is not Israel friendly. Gaddafi was murdered and what remains of Libya is now falling under Muslim led rule and infighting. Syria is holding out with the help of Russia, China, and Iran, but is weakened due to a nearly two year civil war which was provoked and fanned by Western mischief. Yemen is on a parallel track with Syria. Iran is enduring a covert war involving assassination and sabotage on its own territory, which appear to be provocations to tempt Iran to react in a manner that justifies war.
This all took place perfectly within the borders of what is marked out as region 7. One could look at this map and make the valid argument that the chronology of events that swept through the middle east from 1991 until now was for the intended purpose of taking over these nations and delivering them into region 7 of the beast system. Nobody in the news world that I know of has raised the possible connection of seemingly unrelated news to a grand strategy aimed at transforming the existing world order into the ten regions prophesied in the bible.
Region 2 kicked off with the 1993 signing of the Masstricht Treaty, giving birth to the European Union. Today this union finds itself in a state of suspended collapse. Many economists ask why the fight to stop its collapse at all costs and preserve it at unbearable cost to the member nations? It does not make sense other than the fact that it has to. It must be brought online as region 2 with the global beast system.
Lets move to the question many people are asking lately. Whats up with Africa? Why the sudden military move into central Africa? What was started in Somalia and Sudan is now fanning out into many African nations with the U.S. AFRICOMM at the helm. Speculation leads with the need to counter the Chinese or Russian influence leads the buzz. Fine, but take a look at region 8 on the map. Surprised ? What are the chances that the African/AFRICOMM/NATO military theater exists to deliver region 8 into the globalist beast system?
Now lets jump to region 1 (North America) and consider how the relatively strong, independent and armed populace of America is being directed simultaneously from independence to dependency, from armed to disarmed, from family to state parenting, from property owners to serfs, from wealth to poverty, from God to Godless, from free to criminalized, from private to systematically monitored, from free productive minds to fluoride and GMO doped pacifists.
The American constitution, lifestyle, and strength is the greatest obstacle to the achievement of region-1 unification. No one in America is going to give up their nation willingly for a globalist union, and the government is too weak to force it until the sabotage programs against its people reduces their power to resist sufficiently, and significantly magnify its own power and arms. It is NOW at this moment doing both. It is a multi-vector attack for which the totality is difficult to grasp.
Many have noted the transition to move 6" target="_blank">

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