Monday, March 25, 2013

This will shock your socks off! The Federal Government no longer 'operates those agencies'

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Subj: This will shock your socks off! The Federal Government no longer 'operates those agencies'

This will shock your socks off! The Federal Government no longer 'operates those agencies'

author: Ticked Off Americans Asking Questions
This is going to shock the bee-jeebers out of you.. but! Fellow Americans We have been snookerd BIG TIME by those representing the Private Corporations which used to be U.S. FED. Government.

This will shock your socks off! The Federal Government no longer 'operates those agencies', for which the Tax Payers Paid Tax's. Old Georgie Boy...(G.H.W. Bush) sold off the Pentagon, our U.S. HOUSE AND CONGRESS, FDA, FCC, FTC, SOCIAL SECURITY, HIGHWAYS, BRIDGES, WATERWAYS, HOSPITALS and on, and on and on...

Our lands, mineral rights, water rights, highways, waterways, rail-roads you can see for yourself in Executive Order 12803 of President G.H.W. Bush (#41) quoting source: Executive Order 12803 - Infrastructure Privatization

April 30, 1992

Watch the videos, read the Executive Orders...and get mad as hell!

VIDEO. James Steele: America's mystery man in Iraq

The full length version of 15-month investigation, by the Guardian and BBC Arabic, reveals how retired US colonel James Steele, a veteran of American proxy wars in El Salvador and Nicaragua, played a key role in training and overseeing US-funded, special police commandos who ran a network of torture centres in Iraq

link to

Those former tax supported federal agencies are now run by corporations and foreign governments...that ought'a answer the questions in everyones' minds regarding "DOES THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT REALLY 'SUPPORT THE TROOPS?' VIDEO.
Does the Government Really 'Support the Troops?' - YouTube

More and More our National Guardsmen/Women are speaking out, after they have discovered the duplicity of being led to believe they were fighting for America, when in fact they were fighting NEVER ENDING PROXY WARS for BIG CORPORATE BANKING. Coming home, disabled, finding VA BENEFITS have been Altered from the Original Purpose and Intent, further finding they, as National Guardsmen, were sent outside the Continental Limits of the U.S.A. under False and Misleading Operations, conducted by Private Corporations, such [as] the US and UK Corporations, aka the Federal Reserve, by the Central Intelligence Agency Ltd., coming home with broken bodies contaminated with DU, contaminating their families and offspring.
Mrs. Col. Russell Herrmann/Herrman/Herman, Widow


Unknown said...

George H. W. Bush was the president of a corporation - not the President of the USA. Therefore, none of the laws he signed are valid. When are we going to realize this and take our Country back?

Anonymous said...

George H. W. Bush was the president of a corporation - not the President of the USA. So none of the laws he signed are valid. When are we going to wake up and take our Country back from these thieves?