Thursday, April 25, 2013


Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 5:42 PM

John, While I don't agree with Jims' comment about the revenge...Here's my take since the picture of Obama and Tim Osmans' son (AKA Osama Bin Ladin) came out; All of a sudden the kid in the hospital is going to admit to something he didn't do. The pictures show that it was in fact the Saudi Special (Tim Osmans son) that set off the bomb, not the kid in the hospital. And what was Michelle Obama doing at the hospital anyway.. More head trips for the kid to make sure he confesses to something he didn't do ??? And then we have Obama standing and saying wait for the official story. Well, Obama the dictator, we don't need telling us what we have seen, torn apart bit by bit to find that it is Obama, Bush SR,, DHS, the Actors, FBI, Black OPS, etc. all behind a false Flag staged attack against the American People.. That is TREASON of the highest. And now they want to Blackmail the people and manipulate the dinar and dong. Of course, that doesn't include what they were behind stealing of the Prosperity Packages.. You know, The Company is looking for people to live on Mars, why not just send the CABAL and their minions right back there permanently..And lets us NOT forget to give them their GENOCIDE TREATY SO THEY CAN PRACTICE ON EACH OTHER; AS THEY HAVE PRACTICED ON THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD 

April 24 2013

All import of high volume cheap ammo, guns and parts BANNED BY EXECUTIVE ORDER during the Boston mayhem


That's right - in the original FBI reports they talked all about how both bombs were in black back packs. But since the patsy had an obvious white backpack, the final affidavit mentions nothing about the color of the back packs.
I suppose they are all going to try to instill amnesia to the topic, which clearly shows our patsy walking along with a WHITE backpack, in the EXACT SAME VIDEO THEY USED TO INCRIMINATE HIM BECAUSE HE HAD A BACK PACK, while saying in that same report that both bomb packs were BLACK. In the final report the bags are called knapsacks, which complicates searches for the topic so keep that in mind when using the find function.
America is a failed state - you cannot have things like this happening in a society that has long to live. Either we fix this problem by using direct physical force or America is going bye bye, and from this point on we cannot allow the government a monopoly on physical force. They are thrilled when we merely cry on a lawn in protest, because the correct response to that is no response, if you are not going to stand up and fix this with direct physical force - with more than just a phone call or letter you are as responsible for the failure of your country as the people taking direct physical action to destroy it.
I am sitting here watching the nation shred right in front of me, and it seems people have been pacified to such an extent that they are just going to allow it all to happen. It seems like the do nothing but cry to fix things brainwashing has really taken hold, if you think calling your senator, casting a rigged vote, or sitting on a public lawn doing nothing but waving signs and shouting will do anything useful, you are a slow learner. What of substance has that accomplished so far? Tyrants back down when facing only ONE THING - FEAR OF DIRECT PHYSICAL CONSEQUENCE.

If Americans are going to swallow a thinly woven story and sit silent as their rights are taken away after seeing a photo like this, which goes so strongly against the "official" lie, they will lose their future. I guess fighting and dying for freedom are outdated concepts now.

It's time to get revenge

We need revenge on the "elite" over what they did in Boston.

It matters not WHO actually physically did it, when it is obvious that whoever DID do it worked for the government as either a well paid agent or a patsy of a well paid agent. No matter which way you cut it, the government did the bombing. This government is run by zionists, who need the survival of their central bank - which is areast-font-family: "Times New Roman";">UNBELIEVABLE!!

Yesterday, on Monday, April 22, the Mexican media reported that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev admitted to doing the bombing, and had already been given the death sentence. This was told to me today, the 23rd by my latino friends.

A note to the American public - it may hurt to lose the dollar, it will make it difficult to purchase cars and big screens, but sometimes the only way to kill a parasite is to destroy the host, which in the case of the zionists IS the U.S. dollar. Only after killing this parasite will America become healthy again.


Yesterday, on Monday, April 22, the Mexican media reported that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev admitted to doing the bombing, and had already been given the death sentence. This was told to me today, the 23rd by my latino friends.

The gif I had posted earlier of the disappearing bag has been removed, because the frames in the security video are out of order, with the first part of the security video actually being the last part. This made it look like he was leaving the scene, when in fact the last part of the video showed him arriving. This does not change the fact that I believe someone else did the bombing because the bag does not match.



I pulled the originals into photoshop and verified that indeed, the headlights blew the image beyond all recognition other than that it could easily be proven that no one was holding a gun, it's just empty space in front of the headlights.
Let's see if the car he carjacked was his own! I need help with this one. I woulishy is going on here, as in new pixels other than the original.
The only way such a drastic improvement in background detail could be acheived is if the scene was re-shot on a different night with a different camera, and I bet that is what this is. Judgement calls have to be made when sifting through lies.

Dzhorkar drove a Mercedes

Is that what he "stole?"

Let's see if the car he carjacked was his own! I need help with this one. I would bet damn near anything that the carjacking story is total BULLSHIT and the car mentioned was HIS OWN. They wanted him to look like a low class idiot, when in fact he was wealthy and had a VERY nice car and MANY friends. The elite scammers would want to hide this reality. I have a hunch the entire carjacking story is unadulterated deep fried B.S. because the car was his.
I bet I am RIGHT. Please search this out and FIND THE ANSWER.

So now we need the exact details of both the "carjacked car" and Dzhokar's car, to see if they are the same car.

To be clear: We need a picture of the exact car the police said was carjacked, including plates.

Wall Street "journal" confirms this
My response: Ok, so that is it, that is the solid link we need to confirm that step. Now we need to try to confirm that it was HIS mercedes "THEY" said he carjacked. Mercedes is not a super common car, like Ford or Toyota. The "carjacking" as presented would have been of necessity, not preference, which means a different make of car would have been far more likely in a real scenario. Perhaps this is why the police said NO PHOTOS OF US WORKING.
So now we need the exact details of both the "carjacked car" and Dzhokar's car, to see if they are the same car.

To be clear: We need a picture of the exact car the police said was carjacked, including plates.

Use an anonymous account and put it in the forum. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Kill the parasite by killing the host, the financial system. The parasite is embedded too much. Too much corruption.

Anonymous said...

"I guess fighting and dying for freedom are outdated concepts now." There are ways of dying that make sense and some that don't. One person voicing his disapproval, they'll just mow him down and think nothing of it. But the public disapproval of 10 million people just might make them think twice. That's why they're trying with their psyop operations to get us on their side. Wars have been won through passive resistance.